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Assortiment de plantes

Nous offrons une grande variété de produits.
De l'assortiment habituel de pépinière aux spécialités locales.
Nos variétés sont notre passion.

Nous ne proposons pas de boutique en ligne au sens traditionnel.
Vous pouvez parcourir nos souches en ligne, puis les récupérer facilement chez nous,
ainsi que quelques conseils d'entretien.

Vous trouverez ici une vue d'ensemble de nos Magnolia, y compris les données d'inventaire, Citrus, y compris les données d'inventaire, et notre liste détaillée de l'assortiment standard de pépinières.

Entrées trouvées: 4924

Magnolia Susanna van Veen M575

Large furry decorative buds in winter-time. Flowers large brillant rose-red,without purple…


Camellia japonica Jeane Renaud C575

fiore rosso striatodi scuro


Magnolia x thompsoniana M576

Fragrant creamy-white flowers. Blooms in summer.


Magnolia x thompsoniana Urbana M577

Fragrant creamy-white flowers.Probably hardier than Thompsoniana.


Magnolia Bloomfield x Hypoleuca M578

(hypoleuca Bloomfielt x tripetala Wada).


Camellia japonica Paul Plantiveau C580

fiore rosa striatodi rosa scuro, più chiaroal centro, semplice


Magnolia x veitchii M581

Dark green leaves that are tinted purple while young and very large, white flowers (having a…


Magnolia x veitchii Isca M582

Satin white flowers, with some pink. Short spreading habit, wind tender.


Magnolia x veitchii Rubra M583

Rich rosy-red cup-shaped flowers. Fully hardy to Frost tender (Clarke`s var.)


Magnolia x veitchii Peter Veitch M584

Nice tall pink flowers. FCC.


Magnolia x veitchii x Denudata M585

Elegant nicely shaped pure light pink flowers.


Magnolia x veitchii x denudata Clone 1 M586

Elegant nicely shaped pure light pink flowers.


Magnolia Vulcan M587

Dark red, large 25 cm wide heavy flesh-textured rounded blooms of great substance and rich ruby…


Magnolia x wiesnerii M588

(hypoleuca x sieboldii) AM. Very powerful fragrance, blooms over a long period. Saucer-shaped…


Magnolia x wiesnerii William Watson M589

(hypoleuca x (x wieseneri)). Sir Peter Smithers. Strong grower, large tree; flowers like…


Magnolia x wiesnerii Watsonii Seedling E M590

(hypoleuca x (x wieseneri)). (Eisenhut)


Magnolia doltsopa M591

Leathery green leaves and heavily scented multi-tepalled white flowers. Elegant tree. Tender.…


Magnolia doltsopa Silver Cloud M593

ex Michelia. Flowers at a very early age. A small to medium-sized tree. Very fragrant white…


Magnolia figo M594

(Villa Carlotta) Very fragrant, creamy-yellow flowers edged purple. Blooms from early spring…


Magnolia foggii M595

large, evergreen shrubs or small trees with dark green-black leaves and many attractive,…


Magnolia foggii Allspice M596

ex Michelia. Large handsome white flowers and heavy foliage. A strong and delightful fragrance.…


Magnolia foggii Jack Fogg M597

ex Michelia Medium to large white flowers bordered purple-pink. Fragrant. Flowers when small.(M…


Magnolia maudiae M598

Many large fragrant cup-shaped white flowers. A large evergreen tree with thick leathery glossy…


Magnolia maudiae Touch of Pink M599

ex Michelia A bushy evergreen shrub with flowers to 7 cm.,white with a bit pink.This plant looks…
