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Whole list of all Magnolia including inventory details

Serial number Plant name Description 125/ 150 150/ 175 175/ 200 200/ 225 225/ 250 250/ 275 275/ 300 300/ 325 325/ 350 350/ 375 375/ 400 400/ 450 450/ 500 500/ 600 C1,3 C1,3 big / C2.0 C2.5 C3 C3.5 / C4 C4.5 / C5 C7.5 C10
M1 Magnolia acuminata M1
M2 Magnolia acuminata Blue M2

(Botanic Garden Karlsruhe)

M3 Magnolia acuminata Butterflies M3

Neatly shaped tree with deep yellow, truly precocious flowers. Ten to fourteen tepals, stames red. (acuminata Fertile Myrtle x denudata Sawada`s Cream)

1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 12 10 3
M4 Magnolia acuminata DC 4 M4

Larger darker yellow than Elizabeth

M5 Magnolia acuminata Elizabeth M5

Large clear primrose-yellow flowers. AGM

2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 20 18 1 11 9
M6 Magnolia acuminata Fertile Myrtle M6

a neat, narrow grower selected by Phil Savage.

M7 Magnolia acuminata Goldfinch M7

Very early light yellow flowers. Tall and graceful, single trunk habit. (subcordata Miss Honeybee x denudata Sawada`s Cream)

M8 Magnolia acuminata Goldstar M8

A deciduous , densely branched ,symmetrical shrup with star shaped, yellow flowers and bronzy new growth. (acuminata Miss Honeybee x stellata Rubra)

3 1
M9 Magnolia acuminata Golden Crown M9

very deep yellow, late flowering, upright growth. (Woodsman x Sundance),

M10 Magnolia x brooklynensis Golden Girl M10

similar to Woodsman, but differs from that cultivar by having a light yellow color throughout the flower with the exception of a light purple streak on the back sides of each tepal. It is very hardy.

M11 Magnolia acuminata Golden Glow M11

a fine, free flowering, upright growing clone with bright golden yellow flowers

M12 Magnolia acuminata Golden Glow x Miss Honeybee M12

This vigorous hybrid has very deep yellow flowers of good size.

2 2
M13 Magnolia x brooklynensis Hattie Carthan M13

A hybrid with tulip like, bright yellow blooms having a magenta-purple basal flush and stripe on the tepal backs. (Magnolia x brooklynensis 'Evamaria' x Magnolia x brooklynensis 'BBC#209')

M14 Magnolia acuminata Koban Dori M14

(Golden Plate Bird) (Nakamura, Japan)

1 2 1 1 2 2
M15 Magnolia acuminata Large Yellow M15

Remarkable large yellow flowers

M16 Magnolia acuminata Laser M16

16-ploid, colchicine treated (Kehr)

4 2
M17 Magnolia acuminata Moegi Dori M17

(Yellow Green Bird) (Nakamura)

M18 Magnolia acuminata Patriot M18

acuminata 8N = Very hardy and late flowering hybrids. The flowers are small and yellowish green in color.

M19 Magnolia acuminata Seiju M19

Blue Eternity (Nakamura)

M20 Magnolia acuminata Sundance M20

Creamy yellow blooms, rather flat flowers.It is one of the largest flowered yellows available. Very Hardy. (acuminata x denudata).

M21 Magnolia acuminata Yellow Bird M21

Large deep yellow flowers, a good tulip-shaped form. It blooms at an early age. (acuminata x brooklynensis Evamaria).

2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 4
M22 Magnolia acuminata Yellow Fever M22

Large fragrant light yellow flowers with a light pink flush on the outside of the tepals. The yellow colour of the flowers fades to a creamy yellow after opening if the weather is warm. Flowers appear before the foliage. A large fast-growing tree.

5 3
M23 Magnolia acuminata Yellow Lantern M23

Large lemon yellow flowers, tulip-shaped and very long lasting.Very fertile and good breeder. (subcordata x soulangeana Alexandrina)

M24 Magnolia Toro M24

(.acum. 'Fertile Myrtle' x M.xsoul.'Picture), Savage, USA

M25 Magnolia acuminata x sargentiana var. Robusta M25

Very vigorous and handsome

M26 Magnolia Flamingo M26

= nr 349 Brilliant unfading flamingo pink flowers are borne slightly before the leaves unfurl. Extremely cold hardy, it forms a densely foliated, very symmetrical, pyramidal tree. ( acum.'Fertile Myrtle' x spreng.var.'Diva'), Savage, USA

3 1 1
M27 Magnolia acuminata var. subcordata Ellen M27

Beautifully variegated leaves, Arnold Arboretum, USA

11 3
M28 Magnolia acuminata var. subcordata Miss Honeybee M28

a vigorous clone produces large, fragrant flowers that are bright yellow .

2 1 2
M29 Magnolia acuminata var. Subcordata x denudata Carlos M29

Large yellow-green flowers

4 6 8 3
M30 Magnolia amoena M30

=nr323 K32NA 60703 SAS R (SAT 88076)(Univ. Botanical garden, Vancouver, BC, Canada) Original scions collected in 1988 in Huangshan, China

M31 Magnolia salicifolia Horstmann M31

not biondii

M32 Magnolia x brooklynensis M32

this is the grex name for the group of hybrids between Magnolia acuminata and Magnolia liliiflora which was originally performed at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. (acuminata x liliiflora)

M33 Magnolia acuminata x brooklinensis M33


M34 Magnolia x brooklynensis Evamaria M34

Flowers magenta rose on the outside with some trace of yellow-green on buds. Pale pink within. Pretty.

M35 Magnolia x brooklynensis KO 1 M35

A little brighter than Woodsman. (Joe McDaniel)

2 2
M36 Magnolia x brooklynensis Woodsman M36

Flowers with unusual green-yellow to purple and chocolate shades. A moderately strong upright grower. Late blooming, hardy. (acuminata x liliflora O`Neill)

M37 Magnolia biondii M37

Delightful, lemon scented, deciduous shrup or tree with white flowers having a pink flush at their base.

M38 Magnolia acuminata x brooklinensis Ultimate Yellow M38

Yellow flowers, 6 ins diam., open-cupped, slightly green on outer surface. Flowers as leaves appear. (acuminata x x brooklynensis) Heineman USA

M39 Magnolia acuminata Sundance M39

Pentaploid (10x), larger flowers than Sundance.

M40 Magnolia acuminata x brooklinensis Woodsmann x Sundance M40


1 2
M41 Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata Charles Raffill Simpson form M41

Flowering later than campbellii but with richer solid pink cup and saucer flower. (NZ)

M42 Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata Como M42

Has extremly large flowers cup and saucer shaped, white with mauve-pink-base (NZ)

M43 Magnolia acuminata Sun Ray M43

Sundance with doubled chromosomes, the blooms are larger in size and deeper yellowthan those of 'Sundance'. It also has larger leaves and thicker stems. (Kehr)

M45 Magnolia campbellii M45

A robust ,deciduous tree having cup saucer shaped, fragrant, bright pink flowers.FCC.

M46 Magnolia campbellii Betty Jessel M46

A remarkable, late flowering seedling of ' Darjeeling' that has exceptionaliy beautiful , large, bright pink to crimson colored blooms. Named by Sir George Jessel after his wife. AM, FCC

2 3 7 1
M47 Magnolia Caerhays Surprise M47

Very attractive with deep red-purple buds which open into large star-shaped flowers with narrow lilac-pink tepals, produced freely on young trees. (campbellii var. mollicomata x liliiflora Nigra) AM

6 2
M48 Magnolia campbellii x mollicomata Charles Raffill M48

Huge clear deep rose pink bowl-shaped blooms, white within. AM, FCC, AGM.

1 1 1
M49 Magnolia Charles Raffill x denudata M49
M50 Magnolia campbellii M50

Collected Wild in Bhutan

M51 Magnolia campbellii Darjeeling M51

An exceptional form related to the mollicomata group, so it flowers younger.Deep rose-crimson outer surfaces with colour extending to upper surfaces and gradually paling to white along the tepal centres.

10 2 3
M52 Magnolia Early Rose M52

Deep rosy purple flowers with white inner surfaces, cup and saucer saped. Sister seedling to Star Wars. Flowers when young. (campbellii x liliiflora) Blumhardt, NZ

M53 Magnolia campbellii Eric Walther M53

Blooms abundantly, 12 tepals, flowers rose pink.

M54 Magnolia campbellii Ethel Hilller M54

Very large flowers, petals white with a faint pink centre.

1 1 1
M55 Magnolia campbellii x mollicomata Kew’s Surprise M55

Large flowers, rich pink outside.Produced on younger trees. A sister seedling to Charles Raffill, although not quite as dark, remarkable cup and saucer shape. (Charles Raffill group) FCC

1 2 1 6 5 7
M56 Magnolia campbellii Köln M56

Very nice and hardy in Cologne

M57 Magnolia campbellii Lamellen M57

A good pink selection from Lamellen Garden, Cornwall.

M58 Magnolia campbellii Landicla M58

Very large and beautiful deep-pink flowers.

M59 Magnolia Princess Margaret M59

Outside shading from red purple and inside cream tinged with red purple. (campbellii var. Alba x sargentiana var. robusta?) FCC.

3 3 2
M60 Magnolia campbellii Queen Caroline M60

Red-purple flowers on the outside, paler inside when fully opened.. Registered by the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. AM

M61 Magnolia campbellii var. alba Strybing White M61

Campbellii selection from Strybing. Attractive foliage, outer tepals turn down.

M62 Magnolia campbellii Trengwainton M62

(F2 from Kew`s Surprise). Pretty.

M63 Magnolia campbellii Veitch M63

Probably the most widely distributed white form.

M64 Magnolia campbellii Hybrid A M64

Very large pink flowers. Selected by Sir Peter Smithers.

M65 Magnolia campbellii Hybrid B M65

A good pink. Selected by Sir Peter Smithers.

M66 Magnolia campbellii Hybrid C M66

Flowers in a fine self pink. Selected by Sir Peter Smithers.

M67 Magnolia campbellii var. Alba M67

A beautiful creamy-white form with large open tulip-shaped blooms. FCC.

M68 Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Alba Borde Hill M68

Pure white, cup and saucer shaped. Forrest collection

M69 Magnolia campbellii var. alba Caerhays White Clone M69

Cup shaped, 12 tepaled, ivory white flowers. FCC 1951

M70 Magnolia campbellii var. alba Chyverton M70

A good white cultivar.

M71 Magnolia campbellii var. alba Sir Harold Hillier M71

A quite superb white. (campbellii var. alba)

6 1 2
M72 Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Bernie Hollard M72

Rich pink toned rose-lavender cup and saucer. A compact dome-shaped tree.NZ selection.

M73 Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Lanarth M73

Large cupped blooms of deep lilac-purple produced in late winter/early spring. Medium-sized narrowly pyramidal habit. No. F25655 FCC

2 3 2
M74 Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Lanhydrock M74 1
M75 Magnolia campbellii var. alba Maharanee M75

A superb form of Todd Gresham with large , perfectly symmetrical, white flowers.

M76 Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata Peter Borlase M76

Has a superb unusual colour of deepest rose with pale broad band along centre of petal. Seedling from campbellii var. mollicomata.

M77 Magnolia campbellii var.mollicomata Sidbury M77

Deep rose shaded purple. Excellent.

2 2 2 3
M78 Magnolia campbellii var.mollicomata Treve Holman M78

Deep rose pink, with red-purple shading. (campbellii var. mollicomata x sargentiana var. robusta).

1 1 3 1
M79 Magnolia campbellii Wakehurst M79

Cup-shaped nearly pure red flowers, outstanding.

M80 Magnolia mollicomata Werrington M80

Large blue purple flowers. Eye-catching colour. No. F25655

9 4 2 13 5
M81 Magnolia mollicomata Burncoose white M81 1
M82 Magnolia campbellii Elisabeth Holman M82

M. campbellii var. mollicomata 'Lanarth' x M. sargentina var. robusta

M83 Magnolia cylindrica M83

Wild Collection

M84 Magnolia cylindrica Wild Collection M84

Wild Collection

M85 Magnolia cylindrica M85

Tulip-shaped pure white elongated flowers, tinged rose-pink at the base. AM, AGM.

M86 Magnolia cylindrica Hohman M86

Kehr selection

M87 Magnolia dawsoniana M87

beautiful, large, fragrant, rose colored flowers having many tepals. AM

M88 Magnolia dawsoniana Chyverton red M88

(dawsoniana x sprengeri Diva seelection) AM Crimson fading to carmine-pink. Attractive dark green rounded foliage on a compact, upright dome-shaped tree.

2 9 2 1
M89 Magnolia dawsoniana Chyverton pale form M89
M90 Magnolia dawsoniana Clark's var. M90

Beautiful large rich pink flowers.

M91 Magnolia dawsoniana Strybing Clone M91

Large pink flowers with many long tepals.

M92 Magnolia dealbata M92 1
M93 Magnolia delavayi M93

Large evergreen leaves, ivory white flowers. FCC

1 1
M94 Magnolia fraseri M94

Wild collected in North Carolina, milk-white flowers. AM

2 2
M95 Magnolia fraseri var. Pyramidata M95

Medium-sized fragrant cream flowers.

3 5
M96 Magnolia globosa M96

Indian form, seedling. Creamy white flowers. AM

M97 Magnolia campbellii Kew's Surprise Trengwainton M97
M98 Magnolia campbellii Burncoose Tennis Court M98

Campbellii selection

M99 Magnolia dawsoniana Villa Taranto M99

the best dawsoniana

1 1
M100 Magnolia grandiflora M100 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
M101 Magnolia grandiflora Angustifolia M101

leaves narrowly acuminate. Flowers typical.

M102 Magnolia grandiflora Baby Doll M102

A slow-gowing small-leaved miniature form.

M103 Magnolia grandiflora Charles Dickens M103

A tetraploid magnolia with beautiful foliage and attractive red seed pods. Excellent.

M104 Magnolia grandiflora Edith Bogue M104

A hardy form with nice leaf colour.

1 3 3
M105 Magnolia grandiflora Exmouth M105

An upright form with elongated foliage and rusty brown felt lightly covering undersides of the leaves. Quite large creamy-white flowers often have extra tepals in the centre. AGM

M106 Magnolia grandiflora Ferruginea M106

Creamy-white, rusty undersides of the leaves.

M107 Magnolia grandiflora Freeman M107

Compact columnar habit with smaller grandiflora-like leaves and white fragrant flowers. Looks like grandiflora and very hardy. (grandiflora x virginiana).

M108 Magnolia grandiflora Gallissoniere M108

White large cup-shaped flowers

M109 Magnolia grandiflora Gallissoniere nana M109

A small tree with white large cup-shaped flowers.

M110 Magnolia grandiflora Goliath M110

Large creamy-white strongly fragrant flowers. Leaves different from the others in that they are large broad blunt-tipped waved, with little, if any, bronze felt beneath. AGM; AM

M111 Magnolia grandiflora Harold Poole M111

The exceptionally narrow strap-like glossy green leaves and dwarf compact habit makes this cultivar look more like a plant of Viburnum macrophyllum than grandiflora. A choice landscape shrub or small tree that is well worth growing for the unique foliage and form. A good choice where cold and snow are a problem.

M112 Magnolia grandiflora Little Gem M112

Dwarf, flowers are cup-shaped, creamy-white. Makes a small tree with a compact narrowly columnar habit. Foliage is dense glossy deep green and heavily felted beneath.

M113 Magnolia grandiflora Majestic Beauty M113

Attractive broad foliage with undulations between the veins of the glossy foliage makes the tree attractive even when the large flowers are absent.

M114 Magnolia grandiflora Maryland M114

An exellent hybrid with large creamy white flowers. Intense citrus lemon fragrance.Upright densely branched round-crowned tree. (grandiflora x virginiana). (a Freeman hybrid) AGM

M115 Magnolia grandiflora Millai's Clone M115

From Fota Botanic Garden, Ireland.

M116 Magnolia grandiflora Nanetensis Flore Pleno M116

White, sometimes produces double flowers.

M117 Magnolia grandiflora Orbit M117

A choice dwarf selection from Joe McDaniel with rounded compact form, small leaves and horizontal branching. Very fine.

2 1 1
M118 Magnolia grandiflora Russet M118

Large fragrant creamy-white flowers. Smallish dark green narrow pointed leaves, rich russet suede underneath. Small tree with narrow pyramidal habit.

M119 Magnolia grandiflora Saint Georg M119

Creamy white fragrant flowers.

M120 Magnolia grandiflora Saint Mary M120

A small pyramidal tree. Large fragrant cup-shaped flowers. Blooms at an early age.

M121 Magnolia grandiflora Samuel Sommer M121

Distinctive neat attractive oval glossy ribbed leaves. Dark green with bright russet brown beneath. Large cream flowers 25-30 cm across, very fragrant.

M122 Magnolia grandiflora Undulata M122

Attractive wavy long green leaves.

M123 Magnolia grandiflora Victoria M123

A very hardy tree from B.C. Dark green glossy foliage and heavy dark brownfelt on leaves. Creamy-coloured flowers.

M124 Magnolia grandiflora Montreux Bowl-shaped M124

selektions of Karl Flinck

M125 Magnolia grandiflora Montreux semi doubled M125

selektions of Karl Flinck

M126 Magnolia grandiflora Montreux fiori grandi M126

selektions of Karl Flinck

M127 Magnolia grandiflora Francais Trecques M127

Very hardy form from France, Val Aubonne.

M130 Magnolia denudata M130

Beautiful pure white fowers with delicate sweet-scented perfume. FCC,AGM.

M131 Magnolia denudata x cylindrica M131

White selection

M132 Magnolia denudata China Form M132

White flowers, small purple base.

M133 Magnolia denudata Caerhays M133

Pure white flowers. GB

M134 Magnolia denudata Forrest’s Pink M134

Elegantly large broad-tepalled clear pink with a light fruity fragrance.Very fine.

1 1
M135 Magnolia denudata Gere M135

A late flowering ivory-white, one of the best. (Kehr) USA

4 3
M136 Magnolia denudata Japanese (Wada's) Clone M136

(syn. Wada`s Clone) Late flowering, white.

1 1 1 1 4 2 1 7
M137 Magnolia denudata Purpurascens M137

A hardy hybrid with large pink flowers. (x sprengeri var. Diva)

1 1 1 1 2
M138 Magnolia denudata x Sprengeri Diva M138
M139 Magnolia obovata (hypoleuca) M139

Big creamy-white flowers,fragrant flowers. Nice obovate leaves, up to 45 cm .long. Upright growing tree. FCC, AGM Seedling original of Japan

M140 Magnolia hypoleuca Pink Flush M140

Outside of tepals pink.

2 6
M141 Magnolia hypoleuca x Fraseri M141

(Savage, USA)

M142 Magnolia hypoleuca x tripetala M142

(Savage, USA)

M143 Magnolia hypoleuca x (x wieseneri) M143

Rosy Cheeks

2 3 1
M144 Magnolia denudata Sawadas Cream M144

a elegant tree perfectly formed, fragrant , creamy white flowers that are produced in abundance followed by bright crimson fruit. Denudala selection of Japan

M145 Magnolia denudata Giubiasco M145

Beautifoul seedling of old plant in Giubiasco Switzerland

1 1 1 1
M146 Magnolia hypoleuca Selection M146

An extremely hardy form, collected by Goteborg Botanical Garden, from Prefecture. Iwate in northern Honshu.

M147 Magnolia Sonnleiten M147

= nr 345 (lennei x soulangeana nigra) G. Pardatscher (A)

M150 Magnolia kobus M150

Seedling. AM.

M151 Magnolia kobus var. Borealis M151

a diploid upright tree.

M152 Magnolia x kewensis Parson's Clone M152

large fragrant showy white flowers.

M153 Magnolia kobus Tetraploid M153

lager than usual kobus. (Kehr)

M154 Magnolia kobus Diploid M154

This is the undoubled part of kobus tetraploid. It is interesting to grow them for comparison of diploid with tetraploid. (Kehr)

M155 Magnolia kobus Wada’s Arboreal Form M155
M156 Magnolia sprengeri Diva x stellata Waterlily M156

(Savage, USA).

M157 Magnolia X loebneri M157

(kobus var. kobus x stellata). AGM.

M158 Magnolia X loebneri Ballerina M158

Flowers have up to 30 tepals. White flushed pink at base. Pleasantly fragrant. ( x loebneri 'Spring Snow x stellata Waterlily)

M159 Magnolia X loebneri Donna M159

An outstanding pure white clone with handsome flat fragrant flowers. Excellent. One of the best. (Heinemann). USA

M160 Magnolia X loebneri Encore M160

Very slow growing and flowers at an early age with double flowers. Long flowering season. Dwarf Ballerina seedling.

M161 Magnolia X loebneri Leonard Messel M161

Very nice deep purple-pink flowers. Blooms from an early age. (( x loebneri ), stellata 'Rosea' x kobus) , GBAM, FCC, AGM.

M162 Magnolia X loebneri Mag’s Pirouette M162

Best x loebneri with weather resisternt outer tepals are shorter than the inner ones, therefore the flower remains small (4 inches across). Very lovely. (Tetsuo Magaki, Japan) Ballerina seedling

6 2
M163 Magnolia X loebneri Merrill M163

Semi-double white flushed pink. Blooms very nice. Flowers from an early age.AGM

M164 Magnolia X loebneri Neil McEachern M164

small white flowers. AM. ( x loebeneri, selection ), Villa Taranto, I

M165 Magnolia X loebneri Powder Puff M165

Flowers have tepals that stand up straight, giving the flowers an appearance of a paintbrush. ( Seedling of Ballerina ). (Kehr)

5 6 6 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
M166 Magnolia X loebneri Spring Snow M166

Pure white fragrant flowers in quantity. ( x loebneri selection), McDaniel, USA

3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
M167 Magnolia X loebneri Star Bright M167

Fragrant pure white flowers. ( x loebneri selection ), Tom Dodd, USA

M168 Magnolia X loebneri White Rose M168

Flowers are white (occasional light purple mid rib mark at base of back of tepals. Sweetly fragrant of strong intensity. Flowers average 22 tepals. (x loebneri ballerina seedling )

M169 Magnolia stellata M169

Star-shaped white flowers. Slow growing rounded bushy habit. AGM, FCC.

M170 Magnolia stellata Chrysanthemumiflora M170

From Japan. Good pink, multi-tepalled flowers like ball-shaped Chrysanthemum.

M171 Magnolia stellata Dawn M171

A pale pink form with about 40 tepals.

M172 Magnolia stellata Dr. Massey M172

Pink buds become multi-tepalled white flowers.

10 15 4 4 5 3 2 2 2 2
M173 Magnolia stellata f 55 M173

From Japan. White.

3 4 5 2 2 2 2 1
M174 Magnolia stellata Centennial M174

White flowers, very good form.

M175 Magnolia kobus Janaki Ammal M175

Stellata tetraploid, originating from Wisley. (Kehr).

M176 Magnolia stellata Keiskei M176

Small shrub with small dark pink flowers. Many tepals

M177 Magnolia stellata King Rosea M177

Soft rose-pink buds open white tinged with pale pink at the base. Rounded bushy habit.

M178 Magnolia stellata Norman Gould M178

Polyploid. Flat full white flowers with broad rounded tepals, like tulips. FCC.

M179 Magnolia stellata Rosea Jane Platt M179

identical to M. stellata 'Rosea' nr 181

M180 Magnolia stellata Royal Star M180

Seedling of cv. Waterlily, pink buds open to large white fragrant flowers. 25-30 tepals. more robust than stellata and flowers a week later and for a long period.

M181 Magnolia stellata Rosea f.v. M181

Very good double pink form fragrant flowers, very fragrant wood, 32 petals.

5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
M182 Magnolia stellata Select Pink M182
M183 Magnolia stellata Tetraploid Nr.1 M183 1
M184 Magnolia Massy Rosea M184
M185 Magnolia The Spira M185
M186 Magnolia kobus Octopus M186

ex Eduard A.Kehr', (M.kobus octoploid ), Kehr, USA

M187 Magnolia stellata Scented Silver M187

Pure white flowers which are more fragrant than typical ( kobus var.stellata selection), Galyon, USA

M189 Magnolia Legacy M189

Flower color red-purple outside and white inside.Blooms mid to late April. (denudata x Sprengeri Diva) Leach, USA

M190 Magnolia macrophylla M190

A magnificent tree with huge leaves up to 90 cm long. Sommer blooming.Very large creamy-white flowers are toned wine-purple in the throat. FCC.