Whole list of all Magnolia including inventory details
Serial number | Plant name | Description | 125/ 150 | 150/ 175 | 175/ 200 | 200/ 225 | 225/ 250 | 250/ 275 | 275/ 300 | 300/ 325 | 325/ 350 | 350/ 375 | 375/ 400 | 400/ 450 | 450/ 500 | 500/ 600 | C1,3 | C1,3 big / C2.0 | C2.5 | C3 | C3.5 / C4 | C4.5 / C5 | C7.5 | C10 |
M1 | Magnolia acuminata M1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M2 | Magnolia acuminata Blue M2 |
(Botanic Garden Karlsruhe) |
M3 | Magnolia acuminata Butterflies M3 |
Neatly shaped tree with deep yellow, truly precocious flowers. Ten to fourteen tepals, stames red. (acuminata Fertile Myrtle x denudata Sawada`s Cream) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 10 | 3 | |||||||||||
M4 | Magnolia acuminata DC 4 M4 |
Larger darker yellow than Elizabeth |
M5 | Magnolia acuminata Elizabeth M5 |
Large clear primrose-yellow flowers. AGM |
2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 20 | 18 | 1 | 11 | 9 | |||||||||
M6 | Magnolia acuminata Fertile Myrtle M6 |
a neat, narrow grower selected by Phil Savage. |
M7 | Magnolia acuminata Goldfinch M7 |
Very early light yellow flowers. Tall and graceful, single trunk habit. (subcordata Miss Honeybee x denudata Sawada`s Cream) |
M8 | Magnolia acuminata Goldstar M8 |
A deciduous , densely branched ,symmetrical shrup with star shaped, yellow flowers and bronzy new growth. (acuminata Miss Honeybee x stellata Rubra) |
3 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M9 | Magnolia acuminata Golden Crown M9 |
very deep yellow, late flowering, upright growth. (Woodsman x Sundance), |
M10 | Magnolia x brooklynensis Golden Girl M10 |
similar to Woodsman, but differs from that cultivar by having a light yellow color throughout the flower with the exception of a light purple streak on the back sides of each tepal. It is very hardy. |
M11 | Magnolia acuminata Golden Glow M11 |
a fine, free flowering, upright growing clone with bright golden yellow flowers |
2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M12 | Magnolia acuminata Golden Glow x Miss Honeybee M12 |
This vigorous hybrid has very deep yellow flowers of good size. |
2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M13 | Magnolia x brooklynensis Hattie Carthan M13 |
A hybrid with tulip like, bright yellow blooms having a magenta-purple basal flush and stripe on the tepal backs. (Magnolia x brooklynensis 'Evamaria' x Magnolia x brooklynensis 'BBC#209') |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M14 | Magnolia acuminata Koban Dori M14 |
(Golden Plate Bird) (Nakamura, Japan) |
1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
M15 | Magnolia acuminata Large Yellow M15 |
Remarkable large yellow flowers |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M16 | Magnolia acuminata Laser M16 |
16-ploid, colchicine treated (Kehr) |
4 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M17 | Magnolia acuminata Moegi Dori M17 |
(Yellow Green Bird) (Nakamura) |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M18 | Magnolia acuminata Patriot M18 |
acuminata 8N = Very hardy and late flowering hybrids. The flowers are small and yellowish green in color. |
M19 | Magnolia acuminata Seiju M19 |
Blue Eternity (Nakamura) |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M20 | Magnolia acuminata Sundance M20 |
Creamy yellow blooms, rather flat flowers.It is one of the largest flowered yellows available. Very Hardy. (acuminata x denudata). |
2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M21 | Magnolia acuminata Yellow Bird M21 |
Large deep yellow flowers, a good tulip-shaped form. It blooms at an early age. (acuminata x brooklynensis Evamaria). |
2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 4 | ||||||||||||
M22 | Magnolia acuminata Yellow Fever M22 |
Large fragrant light yellow flowers with a light pink flush on the outside of the tepals. The yellow colour of the flowers fades to a creamy yellow after opening if the weather is warm. Flowers appear before the foliage. A large fast-growing tree. |
5 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M23 | Magnolia acuminata Yellow Lantern M23 |
Large lemon yellow flowers, tulip-shaped and very long lasting.Very fertile and good breeder. (subcordata x soulangeana Alexandrina) |
M24 | Magnolia Toro M24 |
(.acum. 'Fertile Myrtle' x M.xsoul.'Picture), Savage, USA |
M25 | Magnolia acuminata x sargentiana var. Robusta M25 |
Very vigorous and handsome |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M26 | Magnolia Flamingo M26 |
= nr 349 Brilliant unfading flamingo pink flowers are borne slightly before the leaves unfurl. Extremely cold hardy, it forms a densely foliated, very symmetrical, pyramidal tree. ( acum.'Fertile Myrtle' x spreng.var.'Diva'), Savage, USA |
3 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
M27 | Magnolia acuminata var. subcordata Ellen M27 |
Beautifully variegated leaves, Arnold Arboretum, USA |
11 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M28 | Magnolia acuminata var. subcordata Miss Honeybee M28 |
a vigorous clone produces large, fragrant flowers that are bright yellow . |
2 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
M29 | Magnolia acuminata var. Subcordata x denudata Carlos M29 |
Large yellow-green flowers |
4 | 6 | 8 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||
M30 | Magnolia amoena M30 |
=nr323 K32NA 60703 SAS R (SAT 88076)(Univ. Botanical garden, Vancouver, BC, Canada) Original scions collected in 1988 in Huangshan, China |
M31 | Magnolia salicifolia Horstmann M31 |
not biondii |
M32 | Magnolia x brooklynensis M32 |
this is the grex name for the group of hybrids between Magnolia acuminata and Magnolia liliiflora which was originally performed at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. (acuminata x liliiflora) |
M33 | Magnolia acuminata x brooklinensis M33 |
(Kehr) |
M34 | Magnolia x brooklynensis Evamaria M34 |
Flowers magenta rose on the outside with some trace of yellow-green on buds. Pale pink within. Pretty. |
2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M35 | Magnolia x brooklynensis KO 1 M35 |
A little brighter than Woodsman. (Joe McDaniel) |
2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M36 | Magnolia x brooklynensis Woodsman M36 |
Flowers with unusual green-yellow to purple and chocolate shades. A moderately strong upright grower. Late blooming, hardy. (acuminata x liliflora O`Neill) |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M37 | Magnolia biondii M37 |
Delightful, lemon scented, deciduous shrup or tree with white flowers having a pink flush at their base. |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M38 | Magnolia acuminata x brooklinensis Ultimate Yellow M38 |
Yellow flowers, 6 ins diam., open-cupped, slightly green on outer surface. Flowers as leaves appear. (acuminata x x brooklynensis) Heineman USA |
M39 | Magnolia acuminata Sundance M39 |
Pentaploid (10x), larger flowers than Sundance. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M40 | Magnolia acuminata x brooklinensis Woodsmann x Sundance M40 |
(Kehr) |
1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M41 | Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata Charles Raffill Simpson form M41 |
Flowering later than campbellii but with richer solid pink cup and saucer flower. (NZ) |
M42 | Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata Como M42 |
Has extremly large flowers cup and saucer shaped, white with mauve-pink-base (NZ) |
M43 | Magnolia acuminata Sun Ray M43 |
Sundance with doubled chromosomes, the blooms are larger in size and deeper yellowthan those of 'Sundance'. It also has larger leaves and thicker stems. (Kehr) |
M45 | Magnolia campbellii M45 |
A robust ,deciduous tree having cup saucer shaped, fragrant, bright pink flowers.FCC. |
M46 | Magnolia campbellii Betty Jessel M46 |
A remarkable, late flowering seedling of ' Darjeeling' that has exceptionaliy beautiful , large, bright pink to crimson colored blooms. Named by Sir George Jessel after his wife. AM, FCC |
2 | 3 | 7 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
M47 | Magnolia Caerhays Surprise M47 |
Very attractive with deep red-purple buds which open into large star-shaped flowers with narrow lilac-pink tepals, produced freely on young trees. (campbellii var. mollicomata x liliiflora Nigra) AM |
6 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M48 | Magnolia campbellii x mollicomata Charles Raffill M48 |
Huge clear deep rose pink bowl-shaped blooms, white within. AM, FCC, AGM. |
1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
M49 | Magnolia Charles Raffill x denudata M49 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M50 | Magnolia campbellii M50 |
Collected Wild in Bhutan |
M51 | Magnolia campbellii Darjeeling M51 |
An exceptional form related to the mollicomata group, so it flowers younger.Deep rose-crimson outer surfaces with colour extending to upper surfaces and gradually paling to white along the tepal centres. |
10 | 2 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
M52 | Magnolia Early Rose M52 |
Deep rosy purple flowers with white inner surfaces, cup and saucer saped. Sister seedling to Star Wars. Flowers when young. (campbellii x liliiflora) Blumhardt, NZ |
M53 | Magnolia campbellii Eric Walther M53 |
Blooms abundantly, 12 tepals, flowers rose pink. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M54 | Magnolia campbellii Ethel Hilller M54 |
Very large flowers, petals white with a faint pink centre. |
1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
M55 | Magnolia campbellii x mollicomata Kew’s Surprise M55 |
Large flowers, rich pink outside.Produced on younger trees. A sister seedling to Charles Raffill, although not quite as dark, remarkable cup and saucer shape. (Charles Raffill group) FCC |
1 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 5 | 7 | ||||||||||||||||
M56 | Magnolia campbellii Köln M56 |
Very nice and hardy in Cologne |
M57 | Magnolia campbellii Lamellen M57 |
A good pink selection from Lamellen Garden, Cornwall. |
M58 | Magnolia campbellii Landicla M58 |
Very large and beautiful deep-pink flowers. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M59 | Magnolia Princess Margaret M59 |
Outside shading from red purple and inside cream tinged with red purple. (campbellii var. Alba x sargentiana var. robusta?) FCC. |
3 | 3 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
M60 | Magnolia campbellii Queen Caroline M60 |
Red-purple flowers on the outside, paler inside when fully opened.. Registered by the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew. AM |
M61 | Magnolia campbellii var. alba Strybing White M61 |
Campbellii selection from Strybing. Attractive foliage, outer tepals turn down. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M62 | Magnolia campbellii Trengwainton M62 |
(F2 from Kew`s Surprise). Pretty. |
M63 | Magnolia campbellii Veitch M63 |
Probably the most widely distributed white form. |
M64 | Magnolia campbellii Hybrid A M64 |
Very large pink flowers. Selected by Sir Peter Smithers. |
M65 | Magnolia campbellii Hybrid B M65 |
A good pink. Selected by Sir Peter Smithers. |
M66 | Magnolia campbellii Hybrid C M66 |
Flowers in a fine self pink. Selected by Sir Peter Smithers. |
M67 | Magnolia campbellii var. Alba M67 |
A beautiful creamy-white form with large open tulip-shaped blooms. FCC. |
M68 | Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Alba Borde Hill M68 |
Pure white, cup and saucer shaped. Forrest collection |
M69 | Magnolia campbellii var. alba Caerhays White Clone M69 |
Cup shaped, 12 tepaled, ivory white flowers. FCC 1951 |
4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M70 | Magnolia campbellii var. alba Chyverton M70 |
A good white cultivar. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M71 | Magnolia campbellii var. alba Sir Harold Hillier M71 |
A quite superb white. (campbellii var. alba) |
6 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
M72 | Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Bernie Hollard M72 |
Rich pink toned rose-lavender cup and saucer. A compact dome-shaped tree.NZ selection. |
M73 | Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Lanarth M73 |
Large cupped blooms of deep lilac-purple produced in late winter/early spring. Medium-sized narrowly pyramidal habit. No. F25655 FCC |
2 | 3 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
M74 | Magnolia campbelliii var. mollicomata Lanhydrock M74 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
M75 | Magnolia campbellii var. alba Maharanee M75 |
A superb form of Todd Gresham with large , perfectly symmetrical, white flowers. |
M76 | Magnolia campbellii var. mollicomata Peter Borlase M76 |
Has a superb unusual colour of deepest rose with pale broad band along centre of petal. Seedling from campbellii var. mollicomata. |
M77 | Magnolia campbellii var.mollicomata Sidbury M77 |
Deep rose shaded purple. Excellent. |
2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||
M78 | Magnolia campbellii var.mollicomata Treve Holman M78 |
Deep rose pink, with red-purple shading. (campbellii var. mollicomata x sargentiana var. robusta). |
1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
M79 | Magnolia campbellii Wakehurst M79 |
Cup-shaped nearly pure red flowers, outstanding. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M80 | Magnolia mollicomata Werrington M80 |
Large blue purple flowers. Eye-catching colour. No. F25655 |
9 | 4 | 2 | 13 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||
M81 | Magnolia mollicomata Burncoose white M81 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
M82 | Magnolia campbellii Elisabeth Holman M82 |
M. campbellii var. mollicomata 'Lanarth' x M. sargentina var. robusta |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M83 | Magnolia cylindrica M83 |
Wild Collection |
M84 | Magnolia cylindrica Wild Collection M84 |
Wild Collection |
M85 | Magnolia cylindrica M85 |
Tulip-shaped pure white elongated flowers, tinged rose-pink at the base. AM, AGM. |
2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M86 | Magnolia cylindrica Hohman M86 |
Kehr selection |
M87 | Magnolia dawsoniana M87 |
beautiful, large, fragrant, rose colored flowers having many tepals. AM |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M88 | Magnolia dawsoniana Chyverton red M88 |
(dawsoniana x sprengeri Diva seelection) AM Crimson fading to carmine-pink. Attractive dark green rounded foliage on a compact, upright dome-shaped tree. |
2 | 9 | 2 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
M89 | Magnolia dawsoniana Chyverton pale form M89 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M90 | Magnolia dawsoniana Clark's var. M90 |
Beautiful large rich pink flowers. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M91 | Magnolia dawsoniana Strybing Clone M91 |
Large pink flowers with many long tepals. |
M92 | Magnolia dealbata M92 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
M93 | Magnolia delavayi M93 |
Large evergreen leaves, ivory white flowers. FCC |
1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M94 | Magnolia fraseri M94 |
Wild collected in North Carolina, milk-white flowers. AM |
2 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M95 | Magnolia fraseri var. Pyramidata M95 |
Medium-sized fragrant cream flowers. |
3 | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M96 | Magnolia globosa M96 |
Indian form, seedling. Creamy white flowers. AM |
M97 | Magnolia campbellii Kew's Surprise Trengwainton M97 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M98 | Magnolia campbellii Burncoose Tennis Court M98 |
Campbellii selection |
2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M99 | Magnolia dawsoniana Villa Taranto M99 |
the best dawsoniana |
1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M100 | Magnolia grandiflora M100 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||
M101 | Magnolia grandiflora Angustifolia M101 |
leaves narrowly acuminate. Flowers typical. |
M102 | Magnolia grandiflora Baby Doll M102 |
A slow-gowing small-leaved miniature form. |
M103 | Magnolia grandiflora Charles Dickens M103 |
A tetraploid magnolia with beautiful foliage and attractive red seed pods. Excellent. |
M104 | Magnolia grandiflora Edith Bogue M104 |
A hardy form with nice leaf colour. |
1 | 3 | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||
M105 | Magnolia grandiflora Exmouth M105 |
An upright form with elongated foliage and rusty brown felt lightly covering undersides of the leaves. Quite large creamy-white flowers often have extra tepals in the centre. AGM |
M106 | Magnolia grandiflora Ferruginea M106 |
Creamy-white, rusty undersides of the leaves. |
M107 | Magnolia grandiflora Freeman M107 |
Compact columnar habit with smaller grandiflora-like leaves and white fragrant flowers. Looks like grandiflora and very hardy. (grandiflora x virginiana). |
2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M108 | Magnolia grandiflora Gallissoniere M108 |
White large cup-shaped flowers |
M109 | Magnolia grandiflora Gallissoniere nana M109 |
A small tree with white large cup-shaped flowers. |
5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M110 | Magnolia grandiflora Goliath M110 |
Large creamy-white strongly fragrant flowers. Leaves different from the others in that they are large broad blunt-tipped waved, with little, if any, bronze felt beneath. AGM; AM |
M111 | Magnolia grandiflora Harold Poole M111 |
The exceptionally narrow strap-like glossy green leaves and dwarf compact habit makes this cultivar look more like a plant of Viburnum macrophyllum than grandiflora. A choice landscape shrub or small tree that is well worth growing for the unique foliage and form. A good choice where cold and snow are a problem. |
4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M112 | Magnolia grandiflora Little Gem M112 |
Dwarf, flowers are cup-shaped, creamy-white. Makes a small tree with a compact narrowly columnar habit. Foliage is dense glossy deep green and heavily felted beneath. |
4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M113 | Magnolia grandiflora Majestic Beauty M113 |
Attractive broad foliage with undulations between the veins of the glossy foliage makes the tree attractive even when the large flowers are absent. |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M114 | Magnolia grandiflora Maryland M114 |
An exellent hybrid with large creamy white flowers. Intense citrus lemon fragrance.Upright densely branched round-crowned tree. (grandiflora x virginiana). (a Freeman hybrid) AGM |
M115 | Magnolia grandiflora Millai's Clone M115 |
From Fota Botanic Garden, Ireland. |
M116 | Magnolia grandiflora Nanetensis Flore Pleno M116 |
White, sometimes produces double flowers. |
M117 | Magnolia grandiflora Orbit M117 |
A choice dwarf selection from Joe McDaniel with rounded compact form, small leaves and horizontal branching. Very fine. |
2 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
M118 | Magnolia grandiflora Russet M118 |
Large fragrant creamy-white flowers. Smallish dark green narrow pointed leaves, rich russet suede underneath. Small tree with narrow pyramidal habit. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M119 | Magnolia grandiflora Saint Georg M119 |
Creamy white fragrant flowers. |
M120 | Magnolia grandiflora Saint Mary M120 |
A small pyramidal tree. Large fragrant cup-shaped flowers. Blooms at an early age. |
6 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M121 | Magnolia grandiflora Samuel Sommer M121 |
Distinctive neat attractive oval glossy ribbed leaves. Dark green with bright russet brown beneath. Large cream flowers 25-30 cm across, very fragrant. |
5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M122 | Magnolia grandiflora Undulata M122 |
Attractive wavy long green leaves. |
M123 | Magnolia grandiflora Victoria M123 |
A very hardy tree from B.C. Dark green glossy foliage and heavy dark brownfelt on leaves. Creamy-coloured flowers. |
7 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M124 | Magnolia grandiflora Montreux Bowl-shaped M124 |
selektions of Karl Flinck |
5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M125 | Magnolia grandiflora Montreux semi doubled M125 |
selektions of Karl Flinck |
M126 | Magnolia grandiflora Montreux fiori grandi M126 |
selektions of Karl Flinck |
M127 | Magnolia grandiflora Francais Trecques M127 |
Very hardy form from France, Val Aubonne. |
4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M130 | Magnolia denudata M130 |
Beautiful pure white fowers with delicate sweet-scented perfume. FCC,AGM. |
M131 | Magnolia denudata x cylindrica M131 |
White selection |
M132 | Magnolia denudata China Form M132 |
White flowers, small purple base. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M133 | Magnolia denudata Caerhays M133 |
Pure white flowers. GB |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M134 | Magnolia denudata Forrest’s Pink M134 |
Elegantly large broad-tepalled clear pink with a light fruity fragrance.Very fine. |
1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M135 | Magnolia denudata Gere M135 |
A late flowering ivory-white, one of the best. (Kehr) USA |
4 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M136 | Magnolia denudata Japanese (Wada's) Clone M136 |
(syn. Wada`s Clone) Late flowering, white. |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 7 | ||||||||||||||
M137 | Magnolia denudata Purpurascens M137 |
A hardy hybrid with large pink flowers. (x sprengeri var. Diva) |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||
M138 | Magnolia denudata x Sprengeri Diva M138 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M139 | Magnolia obovata (hypoleuca) M139 |
Big creamy-white flowers,fragrant flowers. Nice obovate leaves, up to 45 cm .long. Upright growing tree. FCC, AGM Seedling original of Japan |
M140 | Magnolia hypoleuca Pink Flush M140 |
Outside of tepals pink. |
2 | 6 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M141 | Magnolia hypoleuca x Fraseri M141 |
(Savage, USA) |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M142 | Magnolia hypoleuca x tripetala M142 |
(Savage, USA) |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M143 | Magnolia hypoleuca x (x wieseneri) M143 |
Rosy Cheeks |
2 | 3 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
M144 | Magnolia denudata Sawadas Cream M144 |
a elegant tree perfectly formed, fragrant , creamy white flowers that are produced in abundance followed by bright crimson fruit. Denudala selection of Japan |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M145 | Magnolia denudata Giubiasco M145 |
Beautifoul seedling of old plant in Giubiasco Switzerland |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
M146 | Magnolia hypoleuca Selection M146 |
An extremely hardy form, collected by Goteborg Botanical Garden, from Prefecture. Iwate in northern Honshu. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M147 | Magnolia Sonnleiten M147 |
= nr 345 (lennei x soulangeana nigra) G. Pardatscher (A) |
M150 | Magnolia kobus M150 |
Seedling. AM. |
M151 | Magnolia kobus var. Borealis M151 |
a diploid upright tree. |
M152 | Magnolia x kewensis Parson's Clone M152 |
large fragrant showy white flowers. |
M153 | Magnolia kobus Tetraploid M153 |
lager than usual kobus. (Kehr) |
M154 | Magnolia kobus Diploid M154 |
This is the undoubled part of kobus tetraploid. It is interesting to grow them for comparison of diploid with tetraploid. (Kehr) |
M155 | Magnolia kobus Wada’s Arboreal Form M155 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M156 | Magnolia sprengeri Diva x stellata Waterlily M156 |
(Savage, USA). |
M157 | Magnolia X loebneri M157 |
(kobus var. kobus x stellata). AGM. |
M158 | Magnolia X loebneri Ballerina M158 |
Flowers have up to 30 tepals. White flushed pink at base. Pleasantly fragrant. ( x loebneri 'Spring Snow x stellata Waterlily) |
M159 | Magnolia X loebneri Donna M159 |
An outstanding pure white clone with handsome flat fragrant flowers. Excellent. One of the best. (Heinemann). USA |
M160 | Magnolia X loebneri Encore M160 |
Very slow growing and flowers at an early age with double flowers. Long flowering season. Dwarf Ballerina seedling. |
M161 | Magnolia X loebneri Leonard Messel M161 |
Very nice deep purple-pink flowers. Blooms from an early age. (( x loebneri ), stellata 'Rosea' x kobus) , GBAM, FCC, AGM. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M162 | Magnolia X loebneri Mag’s Pirouette M162 |
Best x loebneri with weather resisternt outer tepals are shorter than the inner ones, therefore the flower remains small (4 inches across). Very lovely. (Tetsuo Magaki, Japan) Ballerina seedling |
6 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||
M163 | Magnolia X loebneri Merrill M163 |
Semi-double white flushed pink. Blooms very nice. Flowers from an early age.AGM |
M164 | Magnolia X loebneri Neil McEachern M164 |
small white flowers. AM. ( x loebeneri, selection ), Villa Taranto, I |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M165 | Magnolia X loebneri Powder Puff M165 |
Flowers have tepals that stand up straight, giving the flowers an appearance of a paintbrush. ( Seedling of Ballerina ). (Kehr) |
5 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||
M166 | Magnolia X loebneri Spring Snow M166 |
Pure white fragrant flowers in quantity. ( x loebneri selection), McDaniel, USA |
3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||||||||||
M167 | Magnolia X loebneri Star Bright M167 |
Fragrant pure white flowers. ( x loebneri selection ), Tom Dodd, USA |
M168 | Magnolia X loebneri White Rose M168 |
Flowers are white (occasional light purple mid rib mark at base of back of tepals. Sweetly fragrant of strong intensity. Flowers average 22 tepals. (x loebneri ballerina seedling ) |
M169 | Magnolia stellata M169 |
Star-shaped white flowers. Slow growing rounded bushy habit. AGM, FCC. |
M170 | Magnolia stellata Chrysanthemumiflora M170 |
From Japan. Good pink, multi-tepalled flowers like ball-shaped Chrysanthemum. |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M171 | Magnolia stellata Dawn M171 |
A pale pink form with about 40 tepals. |
M172 | Magnolia stellata Dr. Massey M172 |
Pink buds become multi-tepalled white flowers. |
10 | 15 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ||||||||||||
M173 | Magnolia stellata f 55 M173 |
From Japan. White. |
3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | ||||||||||||||
M174 | Magnolia stellata Centennial M174 |
White flowers, very good form. |
M175 | Magnolia kobus Janaki Ammal M175 |
Stellata tetraploid, originating from Wisley. (Kehr). |
3 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M176 | Magnolia stellata Keiskei M176 |
Small shrub with small dark pink flowers. Many tepals |
M177 | Magnolia stellata King Rosea M177 |
Soft rose-pink buds open white tinged with pale pink at the base. Rounded bushy habit. |
M178 | Magnolia stellata Norman Gould M178 |
Polyploid. Flat full white flowers with broad rounded tepals, like tulips. FCC. |
1 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M179 | Magnolia stellata Rosea Jane Platt M179 |
identical to M. stellata 'Rosea' nr 181 |
M180 | Magnolia stellata Royal Star M180 |
Seedling of cv. Waterlily, pink buds open to large white fragrant flowers. 25-30 tepals. more robust than stellata and flowers a week later and for a long period. |
M181 | Magnolia stellata Rosea f.v. M181 |
Very good double pink form fragrant flowers, very fragrant wood, 32 petals. |
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||||
M182 | Magnolia stellata Select Pink M182 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M183 | Magnolia stellata Tetraploid Nr.1 M183 | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
M184 | Magnolia Massy Rosea M184 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M185 | Magnolia The Spira M185 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
M186 | Magnolia kobus Octopus M186 |
ex Eduard A.Kehr', (M.kobus octoploid ), Kehr, USA |
M187 | Magnolia stellata Scented Silver M187 |
Pure white flowers which are more fragrant than typical ( kobus var.stellata selection), Galyon, USA |
5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
M189 | Magnolia Legacy M189 |
Flower color red-purple outside and white inside.Blooms mid to late April. (denudata x Sprengeri Diva) Leach, USA |
M190 | Magnolia macrophylla M190 |
A magnificent tree with huge leaves up to 90 cm long. Sommer blooming.Very large creamy-white flowers are toned wine-purple in the throat. FCC. |